
Witbe Technologies for TV, IPTV and VOD Services Monitoring

Master the Quality of all your Interactive Videos Services

TV & Video Services are often considered as a pitfall when it comes to ensure Quality of Experience: they are either ignored, or thought to be impossible to test.

However, although rarely being a selling point, the TV & Video Services may center around the anger and the customers’ call when they do not work properly. The obligation of control over the TV & Video Services’ Quality being proved, the question of its process of monitoring comes next. Active Services, such as Guide or DVR, involves End-Users’ transactions; therefore, only an active monitoring, emulating transaction and monitoring results, can report the Quality being actually delivered. An active monitoring, coupled with a smart and efficient alerting, that Witbe provides with its TV & Video Services.


Monitor your Services’ availability in real-time, and prevent End-Users’ complaints

Specifically designed for Network Operations Centers, the Witbe Technology for TV & Video Services aims to provide you with a quick, relevant and global alarm system on your Services availability. With its “Post End-User Device” analysis of availability, the Witbe Technology features a truly User-Centric approach. To achieve its operational usefulness, the Witbe’s approach is based on parallel tests on several STB. Avoiding false positives, this setup introduces a unique “instantaneous retry” ability, running a failed test once again as real End-Users would, and on a different devices, dismissing technical or local reasons. Once the Witbe Robots smartly confirm the Alarm, your NOC teams receive instantaneous notifications (Email, SMS, trap SMTP).

The troubleshooting is then completed using the Witbe Remote Eye Controller: displaying up to 200 channels and devices screens simultaneously and in real-time on one screen, it allows you to take control of any devices and to test any services.

Active monitoring

Ensure flawless Interactives Services through Active Monitoring

The Witbe Active Monitoring, from an End-User’s point of view, is the only efficient way to monitor your Interactives Services, thanks to its ability to run typical End-Users’ patterns of actions as tests. Following easy-to-make tests you designed on Witbe Workbench, the Witbe Robots run real transactions from STBs, on numerous services: VoD, Catch-Up Portal, “Red Button” Services, Guides, Games on Demande, and much more. The results are continuously reported to the Witbe Portal. Providing your team with real-time relevant KPIS (availability, start-up time, initial buffering time, rebuffering duration, response time, etc…), you can now ensure complete, flawless Interactives Services to your End-Users.

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