
Witbe Technologies for Set-Top Box Test Automation and Validation

Control the Quality of every Services featured by your STB, all along its life-cycle development

STB Testing was easier back then. Today, you must face a new era of multi-room environments, with several interlinked boxes & gateways. Your End-Users access your services from multiple devices, simultaneously. They expect flawless Services, like recording a specific program from their smartphone, while being away from home.

In the same time, the Services you offer have become incredibly fast and effortless (for the End-Users); however, testing them have grown into something terribly long and painful. To relieve your team from energy-consuming tests phases, Witbe has developed a scalable & easy-to-use Technology, supporting the most recent industry standards.

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Easy-to-use & scalable tests to leverage your capacities

The Witbe Test & Validation Technology is built on an atomistic approach: simple, easy-to-make and costless tests, put together to perform more complex tests in real End-Users’ environments. Using and assembling the Witbe default tests blocks (or creating your own default tests blocks), you can now form and schedule more complex cross-device tests, taking in account any End-Users’ transaction—from companion devices, on WebTV Services, on digital media players…

In addition to being recursive, this scalable tests are captures agnostic (allowing you to transfer the tests on similar devices). Powered by the intuitive tests creation interface “Witbe Workbench”, the Witbe Technology leverages your script workload for a bigger and powerful testing scale. You can now focus your energy on results and improvement, rather than on tests creation.

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Continuous tests in real End-Users’ complex environment

Supporting the last industry standards (4K Ultra-HD), the Witbe Test & Validation Technology provides you with a full-resolution Optical Character Recognition, for downscale-free analysis of every frame of your stream. This cutting-edge OCR handles legacy systems as well as recent STB featuring transparent UI. You can now run complex tests featuring simultaneous use of various devices, with their own interfaces, testing in real conditions your End-Users’ typical use at home. The Witbe Robots work 24/7, and report relevant KPIs (MOS, Services Availability, Visual Zapping Time, etc…) for all your teams on the centralized system “Witbe Portal”, accessible from any device.

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