Witbe Technologies for MVNO QoE Monitoring
Achieve flawless Services’ Quality, even if you don’t own the network
To monitor and control the Quality being truly delivered to End-Users requires time, money, and a strong experience in Mobile Network–especially when you don’t own that network, as Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO).What may be the provider’s experience in Mobile Network, the challenge of Quality of Experience can be immediately met by Witbe’s affordable turnkey Technology. Without any script knowledge nor experience in Mobile Network required, the Witbe’s approach allows any provider to master in real-time the Quality being actually delivered by its Voice and Data Services.
Monitor the network you don’t own
The Witbe Technologies’ goal is the following: to allow any MNVO to ensure that the Service being delivered complies with the SLAs, and that it is not inferior to the MNO’s own service. To achieve it, Witbe Robots do what End-Users do, in the exact same conditions… with Witbe algorithms, allowing them to closely monitor the MVNO’s (and MNO’s) services all along, automatically and without interruption.More specifically, Witbe Robots are dispatched as simple End-Users, using the service as it is truly delivered, non-intrusively. They make and receive real calls and real texts, they watch videos on Youtube, they navigate the Internet, and they use App Store or Google Play Apps. They do all that, whatever the standards (3G, 4G) or origin of phone call (mobile, landline), and report back QoE KPIs to off-the-shelf dashboards and a smart alert system.
A single interface to aggregate and monitor all the QoE KPIs
The Witbe Portal aggregates the scenarios results on a single, web-accessed interface. It allows any team to easily monitor any aspect of the Voice & Data services’ QoE with Witbe off-the-shelf and customized dashboards. Various critical KPIs are reported for both services: PESQ-related scores, Post Dial Delay (PDD), services’ availability, average disturbance, voice delay variations, send / receive delays (for text), etc… It provides the Network Operation Centers (NOCs) with precise real-time information about the Quality, the Integrity and the Performance of the Voice and Data Services. Truthful to the Witbe User-Centric approach, the Portal renders the End-Users perceptions as measured by the Witbe Robots into overseeable graphs and ratings.
Alerting made smart
Coupled with a smart alerting system, this continuous monitoring allows the NOCs to be warned about any confirmed service deterioration through SMS, email or SNMP trap alerts: they can now proactively prevent any severe service interruption of your services’ delivery. Embedded in the alert, a link to the Witbe Portal provides them also with the context and the content of the failed step of the scenario, for a quick and effective troubleshooting. Combined with the Portal, this unique Smart Alert System enables any MVNO to ensure a constant flawless Voice and Data Services to its customers, from what matters: the customers’ point of view.